Thursday, November 14, 2013

Clutter And Collecting

For this project we are looking at artist who collect things. Whether it be by color, what they like, or just wanting to have it. I feel that it's all collecting. But when this question pops up "is clutter like collecting?" I have a different opinion. I feel that clutter is just random stuff that you don't really care about. It's like that mess in your house or room that tends to  pile up, you want to get rid of it but it  happens to pile up even more. Collecting is having something that you really love and it means something to you, it's important. I don't feel that clutter is like collecting. Something that I like to collect are porcelain dolls. I love the dresses that they wear and the fact that they are dolls just makes me love them even more. No one is perfect, so why not own something that is? 

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